BONJOUR! Je m'appelle Natalie Natasha. Je suis singapourinne. Je suis fille unique. Je suis ne en Janvier. J'ai a 20 ans. J'adore ecouter de la musique et jouer au basket, au badminton at les jeux video.
For those who don't understand french, go and learn it!
I know this page may look empty, but who cares...
I like it neat and not overloaded with information...
to the extend that your computer will hang...
and then you will waste your money and time etc...
Well, enough of my "nagging", just explore this page and gimme your comments...
I'm trying to localise the language used here(minus that french intro)
So there you have it. SINGLISH!!!
Well, actually I'm trying to fill up these spaces...
So, now you may proceed to the next page.
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